Sunday, March 23, 2014

A typical Bahamas travel day

Yesterday we moved from Great Guana back to Treasure Cay. We sailed 10.5 miles, an easy day by anyone's standards. We had a great downwind sail straight across the bay, going a steady 4-5 knots over crystal clear water. We lined up behind three boats headed into Treasure, only to turn around and see a whole parade of other boats coming in to avoid the string of cold fronts as well. There was an easy anchor spot way in the back of the harbour, and even after straightening up the deck we had plenty 
of time left to spend an afternoon in the cockpit reading and doing some crafts, and even a bit more time to convert a bag of softening apples into some warm crusty apple pie. The pie, by the way, was a concession to Tim because I was serving him leftover hot dogs and boxed macaroni and cheese for his gourmet dining pleasure.  The end of the sailing day was some good Joe Cocker tunes. This happy camper can't complain. 

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